These puzzles leave your Earths divided; piecing them together will result in some gaps.

Puzzle rules

Connect the dots with vertical and horizontal lines to form one loop.

The loop may not branch or cross itself (all dots have 0 or 2 connected lines).

If a square has a number, that is how many sides are surrounded by the line.

If two dots have a between them, a line must go through that gap.


See puzzle page for background images.

{ "data-text-solution": [ " 231", "2 3 ", "2 ", " 3 3" ], "data-fills": [ "....", "1...", "....", "1..." ], "data-edges": [ ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", ".........", "........." ] }
{ "data-text-solution": [ " 231", "2 3 ", "2 ", " 3 3" ], "data-fills": [ "....", "1...", "....", "1..." ], "data-edges": [ "....._...", ".........", "._..._..", ".........", "....._...", ".........", "._.......", "........|", "......._." ] }
{ "data-text-solution": [ " 231", "2 3 ", "2 ", " 3 3" ], "data-fills": [ "....", "1...", "....", "1..." ], "data-edges": [ "..._._...", "..|...|..", "._..._...", "|...|....", "....._._.", "|.......|", "._..._...", "..|.|.|.|", "..._..._." ] }


The controls for the interactive puzzles below are as follows. The puzzles' state is saved, so you may exit and return without losing progress.

{ "data-text": [ ".....3", "...1..", ".0..10", "0...1.", "..2...", "0.313." ], "data-fills": [ ".....4", "2.....", "......", "......", "......", "..2..." ] }


{ "data-text": [ "12...2", "..21..", ".1...2", "2.1.3.", "3..0.0", "3....." ], "data-fills": [ ".2...4", "......", "......", "......", "......", "..2..." ] }


{ "data-text": [ "3.0...", "...3..", ".2..33", ".2...2", "1.1.11", "......" ], "data-fills": [ "......", "......", "......", "2....4", "......", "......" ] }


{ "data-text": [ "3...21", "1..3..", ".01.1.", ".....1", ".013..", ".....1" ], "data-fills": [ "2.....", "......", "......", "......", "......", "..2..." ] }


{ "data-text": [ "2.2.2.", "..1...", ".1..2.", ".1.2.0", "21....", "..0.0." ], "data-fills": [ "......", ".....2", "......", "......", "......", ".2...." ] }


{ "data-text": [ "...0.3", "31..1.", "...3..", ".3.13.", "......", ".1.1.1" ], "data-fills": [ "......", "......", "......", "......", "2....4", "......" ] }
