Puzzle.js Mini Demos

All demos support undo/redo, even if the command bar is not shown. All puzzles also save their state.

Basic 1-D

Basic 1-D Solution

Basic 2-D with auto clue numbers

Basic 2-D with custom clue numbers

Collection of all highlights above (minus solution)

Crossword with clues

{ "data-text": [ "@....", ".....", "..@..", ".....", "....@" ] }


  1. Each entry of this puzzle
  2. The third clue number in this grid
  3. A greeting
  4. A common article
  5. Components of a list
  6. Neural ____


  1. Most common color in this grid
  2. A Boolean operator
  3. Quantities of paper
  4. Where bears live
  5. Flimsy
  6. It phoned home

Barred crossword with clues

{ "data-edges": [ "._._._._.", "|.....|.|", "..._.....", "|.......|", ".........", "|.......|", "....._...", "|.|.....|", "._._._._." ] }


  1. Sticky stuff
  2. Thought
  3. Crime film genre
  4. A state of matter


  1. Small, like this puzzle
  2. Outdoor equipment retailer
  3. This puzzle has a few
  4. Family pet, often

Mini sudoku

Mini shape sudoku

{ "data-text": [ ".3..", ".12.", "..13", "...." ], "data-edges": [ "._._._._.", "|.|.....|", "..._..._.", "|...|.|.|", "..._._...", "|.|.|...|", "._..._...", "|.....|.|", "._._._._." ] }

Mini wordoku

World’s Easiest Nurikabe

Controls: click or spacebar, right/shift click/space cycles in opposite direction.


Acrostic (with multiple grids in one puzzle)

Not new
Left, on a map
Lights, Camera, ____!

Path paint

Drag from number to number with a path whose length matches the number. 1’s do not get a path.

{ "data-text-replacements": {"M": 13}, "data-text": [ "..M.1..", ".11.11.", ".....4.", ".9...9.", "M..1..4", ".1...1.", "..3.3.." ], "data-fills": [ "..1.1..", ".12.21.", ".....1.", ".2...2.", "1..1..1", ".1...1.", "..1.1.." ] }


Drag a train path from A to B (note: still needs to allow click to cycle fills, but not drag)

Paint by Numbers


Wolves and Sheep

Slitherlink with wolves on the outside and sheep on the inside.


Wordsearch with hidden message


Draw a single network consisting of a number of spokes from each circle matching the number in the circle. Spokes cannot cross each other. Although hardly necessary in this simple example, note that you can mark invalid spokes.


Fill the grid with numbers 1-25 such that you can draw a continuous sequential path between 1-25 that only visits each number once.

{ "data-text-replacements": {"M": "13", "Q": "17", "Y": "25"} }